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WDSD 2022 - Recap

WDSD 2022 was such a huge success! The internet finally flooded with positivity and joy. There were many things posted all over the internet so I grabbed a few pics and added them here. I am still trying to catch up on it all. What an incredible day to be a part of and witness. So many of you celebrated the individuals with Down Syndrome so so well. It was LOUD and PROUD!  Thank you so much to every single person that supported the WDSD mission of educating and advocating for inclusion across all platforms. It really is incredible to see what we can all do together and to witness the power of your voices and stories.    Here are...

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WDSD 2022 Prep!

WDSD is quickly approaching! We have seen the socks, and the cool tee shirts, the pictures of all the people with Down syndrome, and their amazing accomplishments. What we often forget about the ROCK YOUR SOCKS campaign is that we are supposed to EDUCATE our classes/families/friends/co-workers/employees/community members/teachers/bosses/grandmothers...EVERYONE about what living with Down syndrome is. Not only do we explain that WDSD is on the 21st Day of the 3rd month to represent the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome BUT also how people with that extra chromosome are often seen as less than or unworthy of the same opportunities as neurotypical people. Often, people with Down syndrome and their families have to fight for equitable opportunities in areas such as education, careers, sports, extra-curricular activities, and even...

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YQG WDSD 2021!!

  World Down Syndrome Day - A day to celebrate the contributions made by those with Down syndrome that are in our lives, and communities. WDSD is on March 21st or - 3.21 - to signify the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome that people with Down syndrome have. Many of you celebrated in your homes this year by wearing your CHF socks (or any mismatched socks), took pics and shared on your social media. Some of you made donations to charities that are near and dear to your heart. I know CHF received many donations on 3.21 and we are so very grateful. We are always so humbled by community support. I shared as many photos via our IG...

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Inclusion - Contribution - Belonging

Think about a time where you felt you truly belonged. Think about your role in that space. Did you feel safe? Accepted? Respected? Were you able to contribute? Were you celebrated for exactly who you are in that moment and not the potential of what you might one day be. But just for you, Just as you are?  Inclusion has been a buzz word for at least a decade. But sometimes we don’t know how to do it properly. It’s not enough to allow someone who is different into a space and call it good. It’s also not about allowing someone into a space and trying to make them “be more like the group.” It’s about seeing everyone as equal...

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WDSD 2021

Please feel free to print this poster about WDSD right from the page here. Use it to hang around your homes, schools, offices, gyms...EVERYWHERE! March 21st  3.21 It has been quite a year of social distancing, isolating, and virtual everything. Last year, for WDSD it was challenging to get out there in the community to celebrate. Schools, workplaces, gyms, stores, EVERYTHING was closed. We did the best we could via brand new virtual platforms to honour and educate those we know and love with Down syndrome. Nothing can stop us with social media at our fingertips!! 2021 is still a year of social distancing, and mask wearing HOWEVER, we are able to be in the community to some extent safely....

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