WDSD 2022 was such a huge success! The internet finally flooded with positivity and joy.
There were many things posted all over the internet so I grabbed a few pics and added them here. I am still trying to catch up on it all. What an incredible day to be a part of and witness. So many of you celebrated the individuals with Down Syndrome so so well. It was LOUD and PROUD!
Thank you so much to every single person that supported the WDSD mission of educating and advocating for inclusion across all platforms. It really is incredible to see what we can all do together and to witness the power of your voices and stories.

Here are 2 interviews that CHF was honoured to do...
Morgan from Windsor's Country
was gracious enough to host me on the show this morning. It was a really fun 6-7 min interview where we talk about : Misconceptions about Down syndrome Adaptive Athlete Program at All Level
Why it's important to EDUCATE on WDSDHave a listen while you're driving, cleaning, ignoring your other priorities HA! As always, grateful for the opportunity to use my voice.
You can listen HERE
Here’s our interview on Empowering Kindness Together - Click here to listen
It’s a GREAT interview that really gets into our why, how and what. Please have a listen! I’ll break each segment down since it’s a long interview.
Segment 1- our story, how we got started, what Down syndrome is
Segment 2 - adaptive athlete program at All Level, and inclusive spaces in general
Segment 3 - CHF communication group, really breaking down the goals of the group, “Let’s go to College” Playgroup
Segment 4 - WDSD!!! How Jeff Casey was one of my biggest motivators. Designer of the socks Aksel Mottoform Design Our visit to Queens Park with Jane McKenna Teachers/People who volunteer to sell socks and educate about DS, working through our discomfort by asking kind hearted questions.
We got a lot covered! It was so nice being given that much time to really dive in to so many things. Thank you for the platform!