We are BACK!!!!
The "OFF to COLLEGE" playgroup had it's first official gathering of the 2019 school year. This is a group that CHF has started in partnership with St. Clair College to welcome new families into the Down syndrome community. It is also, a space where friends who already know each other get a chance to connect, talk, and share experiences and ideas with each other. Raising a child with Down syndrome is a lot like raising any child, however at times it is valuable to be able to speak to others that have had similar experiences. It is comforting to chat with other parents who are compassionate to your specific situation and can relate to exactly how you might be feeling.
What a turn out!!!
Over 12 families (I lost count of all the kids) and more than 10 volunteers from the ECE program came out to play. We had a table of sensory play, a face-painter, outdoor activities, snacks, and plenty to do in the mock classroom at the St. Clair College. We were literally squeezing through the crowd to get a chance to speak to everyone. The volunteers had plenty of children to choose from last night which always gives the parents time to hang out and talk to others.

But more importantly, I got to CUDDLE a BABY!!!! We welcomed 2 new families last night into our amazing Down syndrome community. One of my favourite aspects of this group is that it provides a welcoming, relaxed environment for new families to come out and have fun meeting new people. It's a safe place to ask questions, and connect with others that have same age children.

Thank you so much to the College for providing us with the space for these events, and also the WONDERFUL volunteers who bring fun activities, and energy to the groups every single time.

THANK YOU to the families that take time out of their busy lives to come and be a part of this community. And mostly let me LOVE on your kids for 2 hours. K thanks!
If you are interested in attending the next playgroup event with your loved one with Down syndrome, or you would like to refer this event to a family, please email me for more information at Contact@chasinghazelfoundation.org