YQG WDSD 2021!!


World Down Syndrome Day - A day to celebrate the contributions made by those with Down syndrome that are in our lives, and communities. WDSD is on March 21st or - 3.21 - to signify the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome that people with Down syndrome have.

Many of you celebrated in your homes this year by wearing your CHF socks (or any mismatched socks), took pics and shared on your social media. Some of you made donations to charities that are near and dear to your heart. I know CHF received many donations on 3.21 and we are so very grateful. We are always so humbled by community support. I shared as many photos via our IG and Facebook page that I could. Thank you so much!!

As for our All Level CrossFit family, who are always ready to celebrate WDSD, we did a very special workout that was designed specifically with that extra chromosome in mind. We met up with as many members as the social distancing limit would allow to do this workout together. Hazel and Nola joined, along with many other on ZOOM. It was SO MUCH FUN to all work together. 

9 minutes because Hazel is 9
3 Clean & Jerks and 21 Air squats to represent the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome
47 Double Unders because people with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes (the rest of us have 46)